Benefits of Sleep and COVID-19

The buzz is growing around the mental health effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Financial stress, social distancing, unemployment and job insecurity, concern for family and friends, and fear of the illness are now piled on top of the challenges facing us prior to ever hearing of COVID-19. In a previous post we shared the importance …

7 Tips to Free Your Mind From Polarization in Society

I attended a funeral this past weekend. Two of the eulogists referenced the same Jackie Robinson quote, a favorite of the deceased: “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.” After hearing the quote, I thought to myself about deep, abiding relationships and how the development of such is …

It is estimated that more than one-quarter of all employers with at least 50 employees now offer a student loan repayment benefit. Why? Got millennials? Want to keep them? Need more? Some 70% of millennials graduate with more than $37,000 of student loan debt. The average for metro Atlanta residents is $22,000. That’s why. Unless …

Why is it that one company invests more than $2,000 annually per employee in wellness, yet an employer in the same office complex balks at spending $60 for their employees? While the gap between employers offering a wellness program and those who do not is shrinking, we must ask “Why?” As more employers embrace wellness, …