Practicing grounding and earthing at work.

The Power of Grounding: How to Practice it at Work

In our fast-paced and nnEMF-saturated world, it’s commonplace to feel anxious, stressed, nauseated, and generally exhausted. The practice of grounding may offer a powerful drug-free remedy to these challenges as well as a multitude more. Combating inflammation, cardiovascular disease, muscle damage, chronic pain, and poor mood are some additional claims made by research in support of earthing.

Grounding, also known as earthing, involves connecting with the Earth’s surface to reduce inflammation, stress, increase blood flow, cell oxygenation, and enhance overall well-being. While grounding is often associated with outdoor activities, it’s equally possible to practice it in our workplaces.

It is common knowledge that Steve Jobs often went barefoot while at work. Was he intentionally grounding? We don’t know but inarguably his creativity, energy, and focus did not suffer because of his lost footwear.

Skeptical? Fair enough…but read on and consider how good you feel when you’re at the beach, barefoot, or in a mountain stream with your bare feet on the rocks. You have already experienced grounding so explore a little more.

In this editorial, I will explore five key benefits of grounding and share practical ways to incorporate it into your daily work routine.

Improved Physical Health and Vitality:

Regular grounding at work can contribute to improved physical well-being. The Earth’s energy has antioxidant properties that help neutralize free radicals and reduce inflammation in our bodies. This can lead to decreased pain, improved sleep quality, boosted immune function, and increased energy levels.

Reduced inflammation after 30 minutes of grounding.

Reduced pain after 30 minutes of earthing.

Increased Resilience to non-native Electromagnetic Fields (nnEMFs):

In today’s technology-driven workplaces, we are constantly exposed to non-native electromagnetic fields emitted by electronic devices. Grounding helps neutralize the effects of nnEMFs by dissipating excess electrical charge in our bodies. By practicing grounding, you can reduce the potential negative impact of nnEMFs on your health.

Earthing effects on the body by region.

Full body diagram of areas where grounding may help.

Stress Reduction and Emotional Stability:

Grounding serves as a natural stress reliever, helping to calm our minds and bring emotional stability. The Earth’s energy has a stabilizing effect on our nervous system, reducing feelings of anxiety and promoting a sense of relaxation. By practicing grounding at work, you can counteract stress triggers and maintain a more composed and focused state of mind.

Time lapse view of red blood cells after eating and grounding.

Red blood cells time lapse after 40 minutes of grounding.

Enhanced Mental Clarity and Productivity:

Grounding can boost mental clarity, improve focus, and increase productivity. When we ground ourselves, we create a harmonious connection between our minds and the Earth’s energy. This connection allows us to release mental clutter, sharpen our concentration, and tap into our creative potential.

Cultivation of Mindfulness and Connection:

Grounding fosters a sense of mindfulness and connection with the present moment. By grounding ourselves at work, we can cultivate a deeper connection with our surroundings, colleagues, and tasks. This mindful presence enhances our ability to engage fully, collaborate effectively, and create a positive work environment.

Here are a few ways you can practice earthing at work:

  • Take short breaks to step outside and walk barefoot on the grass, sand, rocks, or soil.
  • Debatably less effective is being barefoot on manmade surfaces such as brick and concrete. These manmade surfaces being wet improves conductivity.
  • If it’s socially unacceptable to go barefoot anytime at work, maybe find a place to sit where your hands can touch the ground. Such as stairs on a grassy hill.
  • Wear sandals or slip-on shoes without socks so you can discretely slide a shoe off and touch the ground.
  • Use grounding wristbands
  • Wear earthing shoes or sandals
  • Grounding mats are available both for your feet and as matts placed under your keyboard in which to rest your wrists on
  • Schedule 30-60 minutes of “deep work” or do not disturb time on your calendar and close your office door. Use a grounding mat under your desk.

Grounding mats for the workplace.

It is my personal routine to stand outside in the mornings barefoot catching the first hints of daylight while stretching. The combination of earthing, setting my circadian rhythm with the sun, and maintaining flexibility and balance with a Tai Chi routine is an ideal start to my day. I experience mental clarity, a feeling of peace, and boosted energy levels transcending the need for caffeine (although I do loves me some coffee later in the morning).

What do you have to lose by trying earthing a few times? It’s free and freeing. Give it a try and let me know in the comments your experience.

Wishing you the best in life, health, and relationships.

NOTE: Biohacking through earthing is not industrialized healthcare. Please consult your personal healthcare professional or trusted healthcare advisor to determine if grounding/earthing is right for you. While grounding practices have been found to be beneficial for many individuals, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any specific health conditions or concerns.

Johnny Dodson

Johnny Dodson

Director of Communications

  • Marketing Strategy
  • Brand Development
  • Employee Engagement
  • Project and Vendor Oversight
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