Health Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering can help you learn new skills, meet new people and feel good about helping others. Researchers have found it can benefit your health, too. Healthier blood pressure: A Carnegie Mellon study revealed that adults 50 and older who volunteered about 200 hours a year were less likely to develop high blood pressure than non-volunteers. …

How bad grammar can cost you.

While growing up in rural Georgia just east of Athens, I adored my mother who served as a senior class teacher of English Grammar.  I was barely a teenager when she would routinely bring home her grammar quizzes to challenge my acumen at a much higher academic level than I had earned.  I might add; …

The Surprising Role Forgiveness Plays in Employee Wellness

Forgiveness. It’s a frequent point of discussion in religious settings, but does it belong in the workplace? Within two minutes, I hope you find the answer to be YES as we discover that forgiveness is an essential component of well-being and, like gratitude, belongs in our employee wellness strategies. Certainly, a work environment would be …

5 reasons health and wellness

One: The changes I have made in my personal and professional life are no longer considered New Year’s resolutions. They say it takes three weeks to create a habit, and the end of January makes four-ish.  So that should stick, right? Two: A reprieve from the full moon. Did you know that January is one …

Think you know what this post is about? Sorry, try again. Based on the title, you may think this is about saying “Thank You” in the workplace.  It’s not. This post is not about supervisors expressing gratitude to employees to improve performance. It’s not about encouraging co-workers to say “Thank You” to one another.  Nor …